News from the Episcopal Youth Community

We have had such a busy month in the youth community.

We had two morning EYC gatherings and a fun outing ice skating at the Ice House which is now called Polar Ice. We also had a great time hosting SAOTS Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner. Thank you to all the youths and their families for all their hard work. Thank you so much to all our church families who were able to join us! The pancakes were delicious and the fellowship was amazing! Thank you for all the donations to our DC Trip in April! We raised $900.00 that will go to our rental van cost, gas, and food for the trip.
5 10:00-11:00am Sunday Morning EYC
12 12:30-4:30 Spring Clean Up Day on Church Grounds
19 10:00-11:00am Sunday Morning EYC
26 5:00-7:00pm EYC Night