Prayer Lives Here

You are here to kneel
Where prayer has been valid.
-T.S. Eliot
Our world is very noisy; sacred spaces are charged with a holy quiet. As we gather together for worship, we can be quiet enough to be in touch with our deepest self and listen to our own heart. We bring our gratitude and our needs, but also lift up one another. It is in these spaces, these moments, that our true self is opened to the possibility of God at work in our lives.
Stained Glass Windows
Stained glass windows were once used to educate people who could not read. By looking at the painted scenes in the glass, people could learn about the stories of the …
Stations of the Cross
One particularly beautiful tradition in the Church is praying the Stations of the Cross. While we can pray this prayer year-round, it’s particularly emphasized during Lent. The stations are around …
The Courtyard
A favorite outdoor space tucked in between the Education Wing, Parish Office and the church proper. The courtyard is a lovely place to sit and pray and spend time with …
The Candle Prayer Station
At the west end of the nave is a votive stand. In Christianity, lighting a candle signifies a prayer intention. In a church, a votive candle station is a dedicated …
The Communion of Saints and the St. Andrew’s Cemetery
We are Easter people. We believe death is not the final word. We honor our local Communion of Saints, people who came before us are saved into an everlasting life. …
The EYC Scripture Wall
If you find yourself in need of inspiration, a visit to the EYC Room’s Scripture Wall may be just what you are looking for. Here you will find favorite inspirational …
Mt. Lebanon Chapel
The Mt. Lebanon Chapel is used by various local Episcopal churches for summer worship, special events and services throughout the year. It is available for lease for Episcopalian and other …